Feeding & Weighing
Feeding and Weighing Systems

Bulk Material Feeding Systems for Continuous and Batching Applications
CMT provides Loss-in-Weight Feeders for Powders and Solids. Our Cutting-Edge Vibratory Feeders and Screw Feeders are Capable of Gravimetric and Volumetric Continous Feeding, Batching, and Metering of Powder Bulk Solids. Whether you are in the market for a new loss-in-weight feeder, or are looking to replace a complete weigh feeding system, or need a reliable and accurate continuous weighing system, CMT has the experience and knowledge required to provide the optimal solution for your application.
Screw Feeders
Continuous and Batch Feeding Applications
Mass-Flow Vibratory Feeders
Loss-in-Weight and Gain-in-Weight Systems
Weigh-Belt Feeders
Volumetric and Gravimetric Systems
Loss-in-Weight Vibratory Feeder With Easy-Clean
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