Material Handling Equipment
Bulk Material Handling Equipment
Conveying, Loading, Unloading, Weighing, and Feeding Equipment for the Processing of Bulk Materials
At Carolina Material Technologies, we strive to be the best Material Handling Equipment Supplier of Processing Equipment used in Industrial Applications and Manufacturing. We understand that processing powders and bulk solids is an important element of any manufacturing process. Our engineers design material handling systems utilizing the highest quality processing equipment available on the market.
Our team of experts will consult with you to ensure that you get the best available equipment used in material handling, including Dust Collection & Air Pollution Control, Loss-in-Weight and Gain-in-Weight Feeders, Instrumentation & Control, Mechanical Conveyors, Mixers and Blenders, De-Bagging Systems for Sacks and Bulk Bags, Pneumatic Conveying Systems, Screening & Separation, Size & Volume Reduction, Storage & Transportation, Valves, and Weighing Systems and Scales. CMT ensures the optimal industrial process equipment for your plant, incorporating over 30 years of automated material handling equipment solutions and engineering to consult with you and find the best solution for your company.
Process Equipment
Understanding the engineering design process
It is important to understand the process and reasoning used when selecting Processing Equipment for your Bulk Material Handling System. Using the wrong piece of equipment for a certain application could potentially jeapordize your end-product quality. The engineering design process requires in-depth knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of the materials being handled. Material characteristics, plant moisture level, temperature conditions, and bulk density are key elements that must be taken into consideration when determining the flow behavior of the bulk material being handled. CMT is a Material Handling Equipment Supplier with over 30 years of experience dealing with a vast array of powders and bulk solids. Our experts will consult with you to choose the most efficient Processing Equipment based on the characteristics of your product.
The 5 Factors to Consider When selecting Processing Equipment
1) Capacity
The capacity requirement of your material handling application is the first factor in selecting your processing equipment. For example, different types of conveyors will put out different maximum outputs. If you need a conveyor that transfers copious amounts of material per hour, you might prefer a belt conveyor. If you need to unload over 30 tons of material per hour from 50lb sacks, you will be much better off with the LaborSave Automatic Sack Emptying System than with a manual bag dump station. The same can be applied to filling, unloading, dust collection, and so on.
2) Distance
The distance that you want to convey is another big factor in selecting Processing Equipment. If the distance requirements for conveying product are large, then the best options are belts conveyors and pneumatic conveying systems. For short distances, the options are generally extensive – screw conveyors, aeromechanical conveyors, etc. The experts at CMT will help you select the optimal conveyor based on distance.
3) Elevation
Conveying product at an elevated angle can change things significantly in how material is transferred. If you are conveying at a 90 degree vertical angle, then Vertical Bucket Elevators are your best bet. But if you need material conveyed at another angle, other types of conveyors can be more effective - such as flex screw conveyors, vertical screw conveyors and aeromechanical conveyors.
4) Material Characteristics
Properly analyzing how bulk solids will flow in a vessel or hopper is a crucial component for successful operations. Understanding the material characteristics of a product is key when choosing your Processing Equipment. The physical and chemical characteristics should be considered, such as flowability, abrasiveness, friability, and particle size. Exposure to certain chemicals, moisture, and oxidation the atmosphere can affect the material being conveyed, or the conveying equipment itself. Before selecting a type of conveyor, make sure you understand any special requirements based on these criteria. a. The flow characteristics of bulk solid materials depends on internal and external factors. The ability of a material to flow through a vessel is called “flowability.” Materials are generally categorized into two categories: free-flowing materials and cohesive materials. Free flowing materials do not undergo any particle deformation when exposed to high pressures. When the external pressure is removed, the particles go back to their original condition, resulting in great flow conditions. Cohesive materials experience particle deformation when subjected to external pressure. When the load is removed, the particles do not regain their original shape, which results in poor flow quality. Moisture content, temperature, particle size, and time of storage at rest can have a tremendous impact on your material's flow properties.
5) Processing
Understanding your process engineering requirements is a critical part when selecting your Processing Equipment to maximize the potential of each component. When it comes to material handling automation, there are various ways to accomplish the same task. However, some can be more efficient than others. For example, screw conveyors have the capability to do several different processing operations, such as cooling, heating, and mixing. Our experts will team up with you to decide on the optimal, cost-saving material handling system.
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